
Artwork requirements

Artwork is PREFERRED in the following PC formats: CorelDraw (.cdr) or Adobe Illustrator (saved as .eps or .pdf file format).

All digital artwork should be supplied as line art (vector art). All type must be converted to outlines (curves). Hard copy artwork should be as large as possible within an 8.5" x 11" for scanning purposes. Digital images should be vector artwork (not bitmapped/raster) and saved in either CorelDraw or Adobe Illustrator as an EPS (encapsulated PostScript) file WITHOUT COMPRESSION.

DO NOT send raster images that are embedded within another file, such as within Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Publisher, etc.

All artwork created on a Macintosh should be saved in a PC format with type converted to outlines.

All artwork files should also be emailed in a PDF format for reference.

Word documents, faxes, photocopies, business cards & letterheads are NOT considered acceptable artwork and CANNOT BE USED FOR ARTWORK.


Artwork requirements

What if I don’t have artwork or my artwork is not acceptable?

Layout of copy and art will be at Encore Awards' discretion unless specifications are clearly marked on the order or finished art is supplied. Finished products are only as good as the artwork supplied. Please make sure your artwork is acceptable before submission. Encore Awards Staff can help you with your artwork for a charge of $60 per hour, to finish the order with us. Please see "Graphic Services" below for retail graphic rate.

JPEGs, GIFFs, TIFFs and all other bitmap files (not vector based) can be submitted for use at a resolution of NO LESS than 300 pixels-per-inch and supplied at finished size or larger.


What if I don’t have artwork or my artwork is not acceptable?

Graphic Services

Layouts, Templates, Proofs, Samples, Art, Graphics, Graphic Design and any other digital or printed media are the property of Encore Awards – unless purchased outright and separately from us on an separate invoice at FULL RETAIL PRICE. There are no refunds on Graphic Design Services, regardless of the stage of completion. All Graphic Design / Graphics Services / Digital Art remains the property of Encore Awards, unless and until the customer pays the full retail price. We offer graphic design services to assist customers with their engraving or imprint job. Our graphic design services are discounted for jobs at Encore Awards. Only Customers requesting their art will be invoiced separately for the difference between the retail price of the graphic design work and the discounted price paid. After the invoice is paid, the customer will receive art Unless otherwise specified/negotiated. Retail graphic design pricing starts at $200 Files will be in outlined PDF’s only Art will be simple PDF’s only – without crops, bleeds or formatting of any kind.
